
Taking 60 seconds a day to make it a better one

The Peeps

To follow on my jan 29 chatter, I give you Exhibit B:


Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

And if you want to see even more cool and amazing Peeps, take a peek here. and of course here, and one last yummy delish bit here.

I used to think getting smart was the key.  Memorize your multiplication tables. Then the dimensions of an isosceles triangle. Then how to spell isosceles. Then the common derivatives in calculus….then latin names of bony fish, marine mammals, the molecular biology and chemistry of a cell and …. omg.

But then I started working. And soon after that i created a new division of a company. Then a new profession. Then a new company. Then a job. and now, another company.

And in that journey i learned smarts was merely a threshold skill. It allowed me to have a few cool jobs, but what really propelled me in my journey was knowing the best, most connected, well respected, supportive, do-anything-for-you, honest people. Those dearest to me were the most positive, ‘out-there’ thinkers, who inspired me to think that maybe everything I thought was true — wasn’t.

The photos above, and the ones on the links provided, are of people who fit into that latter category.

In building a company from scratch, with nothing but my soul, passion and an incredibly tireless belief that what I’m creating is valuable to someone besides me (and my parents), I’ve leaned heavily on this lesson I learned years ago — that peeps make the biggest difference in reaching a level of success I never thought possible.

Choose those in your circle wisely.  Be comfortable saying no to the ones that don’t “feel” right. Even when it makes you feel sick to say no. Like when they promise wealth, or a faster operating _____, or smoother ____, or better _____. 

The people who are soft spoken, who let others speak on their behalf, who let their actions speak louder than their words, or the ones who ask you questions that you don’t expect, all with an enthusiasm that rivals your own, pay attention — you are in the presence of greatness. Listen, observe, and then welcome them in your circle. 

Then offer them support first.

Onward and upward, always.

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3 thoughts on “The Peeps

  1. Carrie on said:

    Tanya… you are one of the most positive, inspirational, motivated, creative, and determined people I know and to be in your circle of friends is so much more than an honor! Love and Shoog right back atcha 🙂

  2. You stated in a previous post, “so play with enthusiasm, smiles and authenticity.” You embody what it means to be a positive, hard working, emotional, athletic woman BUT you pay it forward. You give so much of “YOU” to help woman set goals, stay passionate, persevere through tough times and do it all with hope and a smile. You are a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart and we love our T for all you do and for all you are. You have a gift and it is to see that life is bigger than just you and embrace it and live your values. It is a burden in many ways on you but persevere…good things will come. It is time for many of us to pay it backward. You are loved. xoxo

  3. Marison on said:

    You know that I’m a B.I.G. believer in ‘things happen for a reason.’ So that fateful day I attended that GOTRIbal meetup to learn how to change a flat tire was more that learning a skill that I have utilized a few times since that day. I met a someone who would make a impact in my life in more ways I can count. Because that’s how you are Tanya, you have a ‘bigger than life’ presence (and I’m not just talking about your height)! Keep doing what you’re doin’.

    To quote Henry Ford – “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

    There’s a whole lota of us gals who think you’re RIGHT and we BELIEVE in you!

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